emerging-u from the team that brought you Brand Biology
Change Management Consultants that deliver successful cultural change initiatives by helping people learn to do work and behave differently.

everything we do informs everything we do

Our experience working with global brands means we have a deep understanding of organisations built on legacy in highly complex operational environments with a reliance on an institutionalised leadership experience.

Whether part of a full programme of diagnostic, design and delivery or as a stand-alone piece of culture consultancy, our expertise and tried and tested approach ensures you get the most relevant, real and valuable insight that reveals the route for the change journey ahead.

Our consultancy methodology is robust and flexible.  When we’re invited into your organisation, we’re aware we’re in a privileged position to see behind the curtain, we respect your reality and quickly create trusted collaborative working partnerships.

Every touchpoint with our team is an opportunity for a conversation, we’re aware of the responsibility we have to engage your people with the process of change and create the conditions for them to embrace it, whatever their starting point.

We Go Deeper

The evidence speaks the truth.  We lift the data off the page and playback our findings in a way that stakeholders can immediately connect with through the voice of your customer and voice of your people at all levels.

Using our See Feel Change approach, you are better able to see the evidence and feel the impact. Stakeholders and leadership teams can align and move forward as an empowered collective force for change.

Understanding U


emerging-u from the team that brought you Brand Biology

Engagement starts by inviting your people to come together. Understanding the need for this deep dive into the teams emotional and operational state will gain commitment with the diagnostics purpose.

A review of your existing employee data and the design of tailored questions about how your people feel about your culture, the human 2 human experience and your company vision will ensure data captured is relevant and actionable.
Working together we will agree on the format and approach for the focus groups ensuring time spent with your people is meaningful.


emerging-u from the team that brought you Brand Biology

Focus groups stress test the survey data with teams and build on survey themes. Through engaging face to face sessions, survey data is presented to stimulate meaningful conversations. This insight will reveal conscious and unconscious blockers to performance and potential enhancers to leverage unlocking individual and team success. Outputs from these sessions will include identification of the collective ‘state’, behavioural observations and insights, qualified sentiment data with verbatim employee feedback.

The behavioural Leadership capability of your leadership and management teams will be critical to your success. Understanding the current state of your leadership performance will enable you to develop a leadership development strategy that empowers your leaders to serve your people in a way that is meaningful to them.


emerging-u from the team that brought you Brand Biology

An emerging- u Diagnostic report includes quantitative and qualitative data, key themes, behavioural observations and culture insights. Bringing to life the voice of leaders, employees and customers.

Our report recommendations will provide learning and development solutions that further enhance the employee and customer experience.
Our experiential approach to presenting our findings will create an emotional impact that makes change not only possible but irresistible.

Our approach to culture consultancy will reveal the insights that stress test your brief, prioritise your investment and inform tailored training design solutions.

We want your people at all levels to:

grow through individual and collective continuous improvement

create a future-proofed high performing culture

win fans and drive brand loyalty at every human touchpoint

create your future now

we bring people together

emerging-u specialise in creating employee engagement and behavioural training programmes with a difference. Using experienced forum theatre actors, we show organisations and their employees how to harness the power of their personality in order to create meaningful and engaging connections with your customers, driving delivery of your core brand promise.

Leadership Development

Learning consultancy

Team effectiveness


Culture Consultancy

Train the trainer


Hybrid learning

Customer Experience CONSULTANCY


emerging-u from the team that brought you Brand Biology

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